Sunday, September 5, 2010

Blessed annd Highly Favored!!!

Hi, my name is Natalie Nelson. I am a living testimony that God is alive and in the blessing business! Exactly one week ago, I was in a tragic car accident. At least that's what they call it. How can you call an accident tragic when noone was seriously injured, killed, or even had a scrape on them.
I had tires put on my car last Saturday. I had stopped driving my car simply because I needed tires so bad. Well, went to get the tires put on, and everything seemed fine. They even changed my brake pads. My sister and I left the tire shop and drove back home. The next morning, woke up and went to Sunday school. After Sunday school, I was driving home and the back tire on the passenger side blew out! I "fishtailed" down the road, then began to spin. I hit a bank and began to flip several times. When I stopped flipping, I reached for my seatbelt, it was holding me so tight. Then I realized, I was upside down. I checked myself to see if I could move all my limbs. So, then I hit my seatbelt to release me, and I dropped to the ground. I didn't see a way out. I began to look for my cell phone. Well, I couldn't find it, because my things were everywhere. My purse had flew open and all my things had fallen out. I saw a light through the back. There was a little crack in the back window. I crawled back there and through the window. When I got out and saw my car. I just started thanking God for Him and His loving angels. I thanked Him for His protection, His grace, and His mercy! There was a lady that saw was behind, and she saw it all. She was scared to come over to the car, because she thought I was dead or had been thrown out! She had called 911, and went knocking on neighbors' doors. Everyone was just looking at me, wondering how in the world I was still alive!
It is all because of God. I challenge everyone to get in His will. He could have allowed me to die in that wreck, but He wanted me to stay here and tell my testimony! I will not let Him down, because He has never failed me!

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